Sunday, 12 April 2020

Coogee Lake A Place Of Surprise

Hi All,

Welcome to My Photographic Observations.

Wishing everyone A Blessed and wonderfully Happy Easter.

Sometimes you come across a place in your local area that surprises.
Coogee Lake is one such place. I usually go there for bird photography. Although there isnt a huge population of birds, there does seem to be some interesting birds that come from time to time.
I will share some bird photographs in part two of this post.
There are many dead trees in the area and they make for haunting looking images.
After walking around I saw this group of dead trees from a distance and noticed a clean reflection in the water.

It looked really interesting although creepy. I made it black and white as it suited the scene better.

I walked around a little more and saw another scene that I thought looked interesting.
A group of dead trees among the vegetation which I framed and made a photograph.

I think its a fabulous lake although like most lakes there are snakes and I encountered a Dugite crossing the bitumen walkway approx three meter's ahead. I didn't manage any photos as it moved very quickly.

My final image is the little shelter from where I make my bird photographs. I like it as it is situated over the edge of the lake.

Its a great little structure and I can see anything that comes my way.

Thank you for making the time to read.
Any comments leave below as always looking for a point of view or suggestion.

This outing was before the Covid-19 Lock down.
Remember to Stay Home and Stay Safe.


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