Sunday, 26 April 2020

A Morning At Herdsman Lake

Hi All,

Welcome to My Photographic Observations.

Today I am recounting a trip to Herdsman Lake where I went in for some bird photography.
I took my Nikon camera and my Sigma 150-600mm contempory lens. I took my Manfrotto tripod with a Pro Master gimbal head. I got there just after sunrise and I looked for a location where the sun was behind me so the birds would be front lit. I also wanted the easterly wind coming from behind me.
After scouting around I found my spot. I made sure there was no high grasses or shrubs near me as the lake is notorious for having plenty of Tiger snakes.

I looked around and the first photograph is of a Pied Stilt foraging around looking for whatever food it could find in the water.

Something caught its attention as it looked across to see what it was. I got it in this pose which I was quite pleased with.
There were a few species of birds around mainly Pink Eared Ducks, Shell Ducks and Australasian Grebes. I had photographed them before and wasnt to enthusiastic as I couldn't get a clean shot.
Finaly a bird I had never seen before appeared. It wasnt in an exactly great spot as it was amongst the stumpy looking vegetation. Here is the result.

It was a Black Fronted dottrell which is a first time for me.

After many images I thought it was enough but there was a Pink Eared Duck in a bit of a clearing and I decided to make a few more photographs.

I enjoyed my couple of hours at the lake and by this time it was starting to get a bit warm. I put my camera and lens into the bag and carried my tripod back to the car.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Any comments leave below as would love to read.
This outing was before the Covid-19 lock down


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