Sunday 19 July 2020

Bibra Lake Sunrise

Hi All,

Welcome to My Photographic Observations.

To capture a sunrise at a nice location can be a challenge as you obviously need to get up early.
Getting up early can be a real challenge if you like pillow time lol.
I set my alarm early and woke up an hour before sunrise and drove to Bibra Lake as it was not too far from where I live.
You often wonder what type of condition you will see as majority of time your there while still dark.
As it was there was cloud cover although on the far horizon there seemed a slight break in the clouds.
I parked my car and grabbed my tripod and my camera bag and I already knew what composition I wanted. I set everything up and waited for the light and hopefully some colour.
I fired up some test shots to set my exposure and still waited. Eventually the clouds started to gain some colour and I made a click just to have a shot already.
after a while longer everything lit up and the clouds took on a lovely magenta/purple colour.
Here is the resulting photograph after processing.

What I had not noticed so much was the reflection in the water which completed the photograph for me. Its interesting how you can notice things after the fact.
It made it worthwhile to get up early although a lot of times you dont get the light or colour you want.
Having said that it is always a nice experience ounce your up and about.

Thank you for taking the time to look and read and as always if any comments please leave below.


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