Sunday, 29 December 2013

Working The Scene

Hi Folks,

I hope a happy Christmas was had by all.
I have a car that I am showing today and I have taken these sequence of photos in Fremantle, Western Australia.
The car is a Chevrolet Chevelle and it is from around 1971(the car).
I like the lines of this car as it is curvy and sleek.

Red Chevelle
The first shot above is a overall look of the car. I had to get down low as there were distractions all over the place. I think it also emphasises the car as well. The photo itself is a 3 image hand held hdr shot which explains some of the richness.

With the second shot I moved in a bit closer for a lightly different point of view and to also fill the frame.
A Bit Closer

In hindsight it looks a little to tight but I am just trying to work the scene with different angles and views. The second shot is not an hdr as aren't the others to follow.
I guess I like the simplicity of this car.

The third photo I went right up close and decided the front light looked good with the indicator and the little clip to keep the bonnet in place.
Nice Lines
As you see I really filled the frame and it does not give you room for eye movement. It is all about a different point of view. Is it a good photo? Maybe not but it is all about working the scene. I did not want the normal car shot which is standing height.

The last photo is the back tail lights showcasing the chrome and circular red  stop lights.
Plenty of chrome really makes a car and this one had lovely chrome bumpers.
Love The Chrome
I would have to say that out of the four photos this one is my second favourite with my first being the favourite.
My main thing is to always walk around a subject and keep shooting until you find a scene that really stands out. This day I would have taken about fifteen shots and it has been known for people to take up to sixty photos.

These are My Photographic Observations for now.


Thursday, 19 December 2013

Searching For The Light

Hi Folks,

One of the things I am learning in my quest to be a photographer is the importance of light.
Light is one of those things that goes to your minds eye. It points out the subject.
In the first photo I took a street photograph of a lady. No idea who the lady is but I love the scene because it is back lit and the light shining through the outline of her golden hair.
Just Love The Hair
She has a strange expression to be sure but like I said I wanted to catch the light which really made her hair shine.
She did not mind that I took her photo and she told me later that she thought she had seen a friend and was squinting she was a bit short sighted.

The second photo I was in Fremantle and I came across this nice golden light on St Patricks Basilica. I liked the golden soft light and I liked the golden arches as well.
The Golden Arches

I framed with the arches mainly in the viewfinder and exposed to get the correct colour of the late afternoon glow. I did do a series on St Patricks Basilica in a previous blog post but this is mainly about the light.
I am finding that I tend to underexpose an image slightly so that I can mainly accentuate the light.

My third photo is a stairway in Kings Park in Perth. I was down the bottom of the path and I came across this sight.
Where Do The Stairs Lead?
There is nothing special about the image as such but you find your eye going to the brightest part of the photo and you cant help but go up the stairs.
Unfortunately there was nobody coming down or going up which would have been more interesting as the person or dog even would have been illuminated.
I am always searching for the light in order to have really interesting photos.
Thank you for passing by and these are My Photographic Observation's .


Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Street Life

Hi Folks,

Welcome to My Photographic Observations where I post a few photos and say a little about them.
My theme for this week is Street photography. I have converted all images to black and white just to change everything up a bit.
Street Photography is rather hard because you never know what type of reactions you are going to get. It is a lot of fun and I enjoy it and am still learning as I go along.
All the photos were taken in Split Croatia while I was there earlier this year.

The first photo is self explanatory in that he was checking out some books to buy on the Split Riva. Split Riva is an area right next to the ocean and has plenty of coffee shops about.

Sale Sale Sale
You can see the ocean in the background so I thought somebody doing with that nice ocean view.
The second photo was to my left as I was walking. A man sitting on a bench and this lady who seemed to be giving her point of view quite stringently.
And another thing
He seemed to be uncomfortable and then all of a sudden he seemed to relax with that ahh so moment. She was always hunched over but I thought it was great.
The third photo was just a shot of passers by. I looked at the photo subsequently and have thought is it or isn't it. I just feel she has a slight resemblance to Cameron Diaz but more than likely not her.
Cameron maybe?
The resemblance is close but who's to know as I did not ask for an autograph lol.

The fourth photo is of these two Asian gentlemen sitting and doing a bit of reading. I just wanted to show some of the people/tourists that come to Split.

You read Ill think
Split is a place that is very cheap although as anything it depends where you go.
Why black and white you might ask? The answer is sometimes colour tends to confuse things a bit where as black and white there is only shades of black and white so to me gives a photo more impact. I have not mastered it yet but as I said before I am still learning.

These are My Photographic Observations and I thank you for taking the time to read and observe.


Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Hi Folks,

Welcome to My Photographic Observations.
Today I have two photos of sunsets that I took earlier this year. Not in any exotic location but a little down the road close to the beach where I am situated. The second was on an Island.
Sunsets are always nice to take but what I enjoyed about this photo was the weeds and plants that were silouetted against the bright orange of the sun going down.
I was going to expose for the plants by adding a little flash and although it was nice this shot seemed to work. I used apature priority and under exposed to increase the saturation of the orange and yellow of the sunset.
Interesting is that the subject matter could be boring but taken like this I think it seems to give it a bit of a wow factor.

Weedy Sunset

It gives me a surreal kind of feeling and I think makes for a warm interesting photo. This shot was taken in February this year.

The second photo is also a sunset. Hey we all like sunsets right?
This time I used a tree for framing so the person could look at the line that leads to the sun. The line being the glow of the reflection that is below the tree. I also underexposed and I shot in appature priority again.
Tree Frame Sunset

The tree also makes a nice contrast against the colours of the horizon.
This photo was taken in Supetar on the Island of Brac in Croatia.

These are My Photographic Observations. I hope you enjoy.


Thursday, 5 December 2013

St Patricks Basilica

Hi Folks,

Sometimes when you walk around your house there are things you have that you see but you don't take notice. Here is the same for me, in the sense that this place has always been here but never bothered to look at the architecture much.
It is a lovely old building built around 1850.

Built 1850
A few years ago it went through a restoration and it is really quite stunning. Walking around one late afternoon just before sunset, I noticed the late afternoon sun on the top half of the Basilica.
It truly was lovely and I thought I must capture this.

Relaxed Angle
The light and the patterns really are appealing and have a look of their own. The arches and the circles and everything is just marvellous. It was hard trying to get the angles that I needed because I wold have been with a stiff neck if in front as it was just to tall.

The Arches And The Light
I was partially successful and have a nice arch in the photo. I said earlier in the post that you don't always notice and I am so glad that I have taken up photography because it really makes you observe what is around you.

St Patricks Basilica Fremantle
The final photo is an overview of the whole Basilica. It was this scene that caught my eye in the first place. I plan of taking photos inside one day for a seperate blog post but for now,
These are My Photographic Observations for now...
